• Broad sensor selection
  • Temperature, RH, wind, rain, solar radiation, UV, leaf wetness
  • Connected to base station or nodes
  • Continuous, real-time transmission of all data to online software
  • Data viewed as time graph or printed as reports
  • Disesase indices include Powdery Mildew and Botrytis
  • Other calculations include Degree Days, Chill Hours, Chill Portions, Wet Bulb


  • Reduce water use by irrigating according to climate
  • Accurately detect risks including frost and excessive heat
  • Reduce spraying by monitoring local disease indices
  • Improve crop selection long term by knowing micro-climate

Many properties that require weather data have traditionally relied on expensive, semi-automated single purpose solutions. Ranch Systems offers a wireless base station that can serve as a full-function weather station while still acting as a central coordinator for other wireless nodes on the property. This solution provides core weather system data while offering the flexibility to add other modular solutions as needed, like microclimate monitoring, frost alerting, or irrigation measurement and control. Data gathered by the base station and sensors is transmitted to a secure datacenter for real-time viewing through internet browsing software on a PC, tablet or smartphone. Charts and graphs allow comparison of data trends, and tie in to other deployed RanchMaster solutions.